About the Agronomic Advice Authors

Our team of experts brings you relevant and timely content to help make the best agronomic decisions for your operation.

Mike Almasri, Ph.D.

Expertise: Plant Nutrition, California Cropping Systems

Contact: mike.almasri@simplot.com  

About Mike: Dr. Mike Almasri covers the California region and has degrees in horticulture and agronomy from the University of California, Davis. Mike has over 20 years of research experience in plant nutrition and soil water relations. Mike is an expert in developing nutrient management plans that maximize yield and minimize environmental impact. He has experience working in a variety of cropping systems across California including permanent and row crops. He is a Certified Crop Advisor (CCA), Pest Control Advisor (PCA) and Certified Professional Agronomist (CPAg). Mike sits on the California Fertilizer Inspection Board Technical Advisory Committee.

Brice Bunck

Expertise: Corn Production Systems, Genetic Selection, Agronomic Efficiency

Contact: brice.bunck@simplot.com

About Brice: Brice Bunck covers the Midwest. His experience in agriculture runs deep, growing up on the family farm and earning agronomic degrees from Kansas State. Brice’s expertise lies in corn varietal development, and maximizing yield in corn production systems. He has held numerous positions in the industry and is passionate about developing whole cropping system solutions to benefit ROI. Brice currently serves as a board member of the Kansas Soybean Association.

Kevin Caffrey, Ph.D.

Expertise: Midwestern Productions Systems, California Productions Systems, IPM

Contact: kevin.caffrey@simplot.com

About Kevin: Dr. Kevin Caffrey covers the Eastern Cornbelt. He received his degree from North Carolina State University in Biological & Agricultural Engineering before starting his professional career with BASF on their Technical Services team. Dr. Caffrey has worked as a technical expert throughout most cropping systems in the USA, covering the Mid-South, California/Arizona, and portions of the Midwest & East Coast. He has extensive experience with crop production products including fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and miticides. His passion is in education and knowledge transfer, assisting teams to solve complex problems and communicate these solutions to a broad audience. Dr. Caffrey’s diverse background and track record of success allows him to assist growers and their Crop Advisor to maximize ROI.

Chris Carpenter

Expertise: Plains Productions Systems, Non-Irrigated Agriculture Management

Contact: chris.carpenter@simplot.com

About Chris: Chris Carpenter covers Western Nebraska and Kansas, as well as the front range of Colorado. He attended the University of Arkansas and received a degree in Crop Science. He has experience working in both agriculture retail and in seed. He is an expert in plains agriculture and dryland farming. Chris is is extremely knowledgeable in wheat management strategies and western corn production. He passionate about developing best management plans to increase whole farm production and profitability.

Connor Ferguson, Ph.D.

Expertise: Agrochemical Spray Application, Weed Science

Contact: connor.ferguson@simplot.com

About Connor: Dr. Connor Ferguson covers Texas and Oklahoma. He has a degree in Agrochemical Spray Application and Weed Science from the University of Queensland (Australia), an M.S. in Agronomy – Weed Science from the University of Nebraska. Prior to his work in Agriculture Retail he spent time as an assistant professor of weed science for Mississippi State University.

Shane Hansen, Ph.D.

Expertise: Plant Disease, Plant Pathology, PNW Productions Systems

Contact: shane.hansen@simplot.com

About Shane: Dr. Shane Hansen covers Washington and Oregon. He grew up on his family’s potato farm in south central Idaho and continued his work in Ag while pursuing his undergraduate from BYU-Idaho. He has experience conducting plot field trials in potato, onion, wheat, sugar beets, corn, dry beans, and canola. Shane became fascinated with plant diseases while working at Miller Research and came to the University of Wisconsin-Madison to pursue a PhD in potato plant pathology.

Terry Helms

Expertise: PNW Productions Systems, Corn and Potato Management

Contact: terry.helms@simplot.com

About Terry: Terry Helms covers Idaho, Wyoming and Nevada. With a lifelong background in agriculture, Terry developed an early passion for farming. A graduate of Idaho State University with a degree in Plant Science, his expertise lies in crop production and agronomy. He began his career as a field agronomist in South Central Idaho, where he played a key role in advancing irrigation scheduling, grid sampling, and zone management across the region. Terry provides expertise across the Inter-mountain west, assisting crop advisors and fostering growth.

Jon Hubble

Expertise: Soil-Water-Nutrient-Plant Relationships, California Cropping Systems

Contact: jon.hubble@simplot.com

About Jon: Jon Hubble covers the California Region for Simplot Grower Solutions. He is a native of the central valley of California where he grew up working in agriculture. After an enlistment in the Marine Corps, he attended school at Fresno State University where he earned an M.S. focused on phosphorus dynamics in calcareous soils that are common in the Western US. His areas of expertise revolve around soil-water-nutrient-plant relationships and how to best manage those variables to influence crop production. He also has a background in irrigation scheduling and management.

Ben Lawrence, Ph.D.

Expertise: Weed Science, Herbicide Program, Southern Crop Production Systems

Contact: ben.lawrence@simplot.com

About  Ben: Dr. Ben Lawrence covers S.E. Arkansas and Louisiana. From farming to obtaining a Ph D in Weed Science Ben has spent the majority of his life in Agriculture. Before joining Simplot Grower Solutions, Ben was an Assistant Professor at Mississippi State. Ben enjoys developing herbicide programs catered to effectively controlling troublesome weeds and has delt with controlling numerous herbicide-resistant weed species. He has expertise in Rice, Cotton, Soybean, and Corn Production Systems.

Jeffrey Mansour, Ph.D.

Expertise: Plant Pathology, Rice Agronomy, Mid South Production Systems

Contact: jeffrey.mansour@simplot.com

About Jeffrey: Dr. Jeffrey Mansour covers the upper Mid-South region of the U.S. Jeffrey pursued his M.S. in Plant Pathology and Ph.D. in Rice Agronomy/Soil Fertility. Jeffery has spent many years involved in rice production and research. His expertise in plant pathology across soybeans and rice rotational systems has provided value to fungicide application decisions for maximal ROI. He also has focused agronomic efforts in corn, cotton, soybean, and wheat.

Justin McCoy, Ph.D.

Expertise: Soil Fertility, Soil Testing, Southern Production Systems

Contact: Justin.McCoy@simplot.com

About Justin: Dr. Justin McCoy covers the Mississippi, and the South-East United States. Justin received his Ph.D. in Soil fertility/ Agronomy. Just is a boots on the ground agronomist that thrives on providing optimal fertilizer and nutrition solutions to growers. As a member of the Fertilizer Institutes Certified Biostimulant Committee he is excited about new an innovation technologies that advance agriculture.

Darrin Roberts, Ph.D.

Expertise: Midwestern and Plains Production Systems, Soil Fertility and Plant Management

Contact: darrin.roberts@simplot.com

About Darrin: Dr. Darrin Roberts covers the Northern Plains of the United States. He has held various roles as an agronomist in both industry and academia. Darrin earned his Ph.D. at Nebraska in evaluating sensor-based nitrogen management strategies in corn. He is an expert in northern soybean and corn rotational systems. He is a well-rounded agronomist in corn and soybean physiology, nutritional needs, and crop protection products for maintaining and maximizing yield.

Bobby Golden, Ph.D.

Expertise: Soil Fertility, High Yield Production Systems

Contact: bobby.golden@simplot.com

About Bobby: Dr. Bobby Golden currently serves as the Director of Agronomy for Simplot Grower Solutions. His currently leads Simplot Grower Solution’s team of U.S. based agronomists. Bobby is a member of Simplot’s global agronomy council and is current chairman of the Fertilizer Institutes research and education committee. Prior to joining Simplot, Bobby served as the statewide Extension specialist for rice and Delta area soil fertility specialist for Mississippi State University. During his time in academia, Dr. Golden authored/co-authored numerous refereed manuscripts and advised/co-advised 49 graduate students. He is a member of the 2019 USA Rice leadership class and has received awards from the Southern IPM center, National Conservations Tillage Cotton and Rice Conference and MSU Extension for his outreach related to rice and soil fertility research.

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